Serbian Association of International Road Hauliers “Medjunarodni transport”
The business association of freight carriers in international road transport of Serbia “International Transport” was founded on 11 October 2000 as a voluntary, professional, non-profit and non-governmental association of cargo carriers in the international road transport of Serbia. Today there are over 1750 members. Membership consists of over 80% of Serbian companies that carry out cargo transportation in international road traffic, and which generate over 85% of the total revenue from this activity.
By decision of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs of 21. March 2022. PU “International Transport” is the only representative association in the activity of road freight transport (code: 49.41) on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
Members of PU “Međunarodni transport” have numerous benefits – timely and accurate information, consultations, education, discounts on numerous services and goods through the unified procurement system.
The association participates in the work of international professional organizations in the field of road traffic and is the founder and collective member of the first voluntary chamber of commerce in Serbia:
- UETR – European Road Haulers Association (Union Européenne des Transporteurs Routiers) – European Association of Road Haulers,
- BSEC-URTA – Union of Road Transport Associations in the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Region – Union of Road Transport Associations at the Organization for Black Sea Economic Cooperation,
- Chamber of Commerce “International Transport and Logistics” . Based on the wishes and needs of a large number of Serbian carriers in international road traffic, in 2013. a completely voluntarily organized chamber was founded,
- Employers’ Union of Serbia,
- National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED),
- TAPA – Transported Asset Protection Association,